Anja Heymann (* Bremerhaven) studied media art at the ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS LEIPZIG. After finishing the DIPLOMA OF FINE ARTS in the field of iINSTALLATIONART and room with Prof. Joachim Blank she continued her artistic activity. Worked until 2013 in the mediation between art and science in the field of workshop design in the Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economics. She has been since 2017 Co-founder of the project group FORMATION 7. Her work has been on various levels so far national and international group exhibitions, in the German Historical Museum in Berlin, as seen in the MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS LEIPZIG. She was receiving the first Working scholarship of the ASSOTIATION for the DEVELOPMENT of a JULIANE NOACK artist promotion. She lives and works in Leipzig.
Initiiert vom RAUM MIT AUSSICHT und der Staatlichen Kunstsammlung Dresden sowie der Sammlung Hoffmann, Berlin
mit (von l-r) Marten Schech, Levi Wolffe, Alex Lebus, Franziska Müller(SKD-Kuratorin), Bernd Selle und Anja Heymann
Fotokredits: Alex Lebus HEIMLEUCHTEN, Arrangement am Tresen, 2019 by Anja Heymann (hinten von l-r)Levi Wolffe, Alex Lebus, Marten Schech & Bernd Selle Fotokredits:Alex Lebus In Kooperation mit der staatlichen Kunstsammlung Dresden, Dank an die Sammlung Hoffmann, Berlin
HAVE A LOOK VOL.II, Performance, 1 Std, 2019 im RAUM MIT AUSSICHT
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